As we walked out of church Wednesday night after a time of prayer, snow was falling softly on the already white ground and it looked as though there was a blanket of glitter lying all around. Those who walked out together couldn't help but smile, it was as though our Jen asked God to give us a little present; that's just like Jen. She was one of my favorite people. From nursery to watching the Buckeyes, paint nights and general conversation I couldn't be near her and be discouraged. Her warm hugs, sweet smile and genuine care are just a few of the traits that made my FabJenPo an angel on earth. I'll miss laughing with her and listening to her tell stories about the Garber kiddos. I'll miss hearing her voice belt out those notes! A void is left here on earth but I can't wait to see her again. Enjoy your reward Ginger, you deserve it. Until we meet again, I love you always and miss you more than words can express.
On January 10th, 2016 my world along with many others was shaken. At age thirty-four a true angel on earth was called Home. Though she has gained her reward and is with our Savior, here on earth there is a large void left. In our time of grief memories and stories are shared, tears are shed but we smile in remembrance. The above quote I stole from Jen's twitter page. When she posted the photo of that quote I'm sure her humble self never really thought it as a boasting but rather a challenge to positively affect people every day and that's exactly what she did. I can truly say I have never met anyone as selfless, giving, caring and sincere. She was an amazing blessing to all she came into contact with and her infectious smile and open arms greeted anyone. I asked friends and family to recount something about Jen, that trail of glitter she left in their lives. Whether they shared a memory, thought or kind word it is easy to see that though she has left this world there is a sparkle left in so many lives, a trail of glitter that shines so bright.
Steven Garber | A memory that stands out with Jen and I is when she got us tickets to go see Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I was graduating college and she wanted to do something special for me. I remember thinking when she told me she got us tickets how blessed I was to have her as family and a close friend. I remember thinking how unexpected, selfless and genuine this gift was. She and I shared a love for music and singing. That evening was a blast and we made beautiful memories that I will hold on to forever. Her character and love she demonstrated on a daily basis will never be forgotten.
Teresa Hymes | Jen has a special part in each one of the Hymes' families hearts. For me it started when she was very young. Always dressed so pretty and had a beautiful smile that just melted your heart. I have so many memories as she grew into an in creditable young lady. Then I was honored to be a coworker and boss. Jen always had a smile and a kind word for everyone. Anytime I saw Pink anything I think of Jen so many times I would text her a picture of something for her classroom or her room at home that was Pink or Glam. She shined everywhere she went. She will always have a special spot in my heart.
Katie Fullen | When we would sing in choir, I went to praise God and lift my hands, I would always hit Jens hair. Lol. I would apologize every time and she wouldn't care a bit. She was always so kind and I knew anytime I needed anything at all I could reach to her. She was a leader, puppet peer, and an amazing friend. :)

Tiffany Holcomb | Remembering the time years ago when Jen, Brittany and I were at Nona and Dings house rolling down the stairs, having a blast and cracking up.
Rebecca Richards | She was the most amazing, kind hearted, caring young lady I know. She would text me often to check on me, see how I was doing and my girls. Then she'd tell me she was thinking of me and she loved me. She always knew the days I needed that the most.
Traci Small | She was like my own when she was little. She was such a mommy to Cassie and Brianna when they were little. Always taking care of them, playing the little nurse when they were sick. That never changed as she grew up! I will miss her text messages daily just to say I love you or I'm praying for you. She touched my heart my whole family through the years. She will forever have a special place in my heart. She made the world a better place when you were around her. Her smile lit up a room and her love and compassion for every single person she met was so genuine and true! I know she is shining bright in heaven watching over us and still touching so many lives! She was simply fabulous and a world changer! Shine bright Jen. You made it home sweet girl!
Drew Richardson | JP wasn't just a special young lady, she was an angel to all of us. She was always up for hanging out and made sure she had a good time when she was with friends. I'll always remember how much fun she had playing "Guestures" with the #singles friends. She would really get into the acting and was usually pretty competitive when it came to winning or losing (though she wouldn't admit out loud). I will miss her laugh and warm personality. She has left her mark with us here in Tallmadge and will never be forgotten.
The Rentsch Family | Jen was an angel that we were blessed to know and love. We know that Jen was in our lives to make us better people. She showed us what selflessness, humility, grace, and love was all about. Jen placed a smile on her face at all times. She was a true beauty in all her ways. We want to thank the Lord for placing her in our lives as an example we will always remember. We love you Jen Poling. You will forever be in our hearts.
Jenna Rentsch | Jen had the brightest smile and was always the first to make you feel welcome. We all loved her dearly.
Andrea Allgood | As a single mom that had to work extended hours and put their child into the care of other women I will be one to say I was overly thankful for Miss Poling. The first day that I had to drop off my most precious package “Emma” it fell into a wonderful persons hands. Forever you will hold a special place in our heart.
Clara Baker | I was thinking and there was so many memories I had with Jen. But the one I want to share is: In the year of 2009 I had to the privilege of going with Jen to Marietta. I got to meet Rick and Sherry also Gracee and Mark (boy were they young at the time) it was really cool because we went sight-seeing and she told me how she grew up down there. But before we left we visited her mother's grave. And at that moment it was a teaching point because her mom if she was still alive would've been the same age as my mom. And not that I didn't love my mom, it helped me to not take my mom for granted. And thinking about the strength that she and Brittany had through God to endure without their mom for that many years. Because it was something I never thought about. Jen always had good advice spoken or unspoken.

Ebony Flinn | When I think about Jen I can’t help but to smile. We had gotten closer this past year and she had become more than just a friend, she was like a sister. I knew I could talk to her about anything and she would listen and give great advice. So it was only fitting that we became accountable to each other this new year. We looked to each other for support through journaling, reading and prayer. Coming into this new year I thought about the people who were close to my heart and Jen was at the top of that list. I was looking forward and anticipating the time we were going to be spending together. We had both been through some trials the previous years, but we declared in victory that this was our year! I cherish the memories I have been able to make with her. As I look back on this past Saturday not knowing that it would be our last together, I’m so thankful we were able to spend the day laughing, talking, and spending time with the Lord. God knew how Jen was impacting my life which is why I believe he allowed that time for us to be together. Jen loved her family so much! You all were her heart! When you look back on the times with Jen I know some will make you laugh and others will make you cry. I prayed and I said to God, “Lord I prayed for her healing, I prayed that you would make her whole. I don’t understand….” God answered me and said “I answered your prayer…. She is healed and has been made whole.” In the beginning of this my heart ached. There were times I couldn’t think and I just wanted her back with me. I wanted to see a message from her or hear her voice, but after prayer and being comforted by the Lord I realized that Jen got everything she wanted this year! This year was amazing for her just like she said! She got to be with our heavenly Father and see her mom again! I will miss our talks and our time together. Her powerfully anointed voice in which I told her and she said yes some think it’s powerful, but the sound men think it’s loud LOL!!! I rejoice with her and I couldn’t be more happy for her! She’s walking on streets of gold with her mom praising and worshiping the Lord!! It can’t get any better than that!! So when you think of her think of how happy she is, the peace that she has, and that this is only temporary because we will see her again and when we do she will be waiting in her beautiful sparkling garments, a BIG SMILE, and with open arms to welcome us home!! What a day of rejoicing that will be!!!
Jason LaBar | Growing up in the nursery class together until Jan 10 2016, Jen Poling, you were like another sister in my life. We always were together as kids. From our birthday parties to all church related things. I already can't stand the fact I have to wait to see you again. The amount of tears I've cried over the past few days says something about our friendship/siblingship. All of the comments posts and tweets I've read really just scratch the surface of how much your life affected others. You may have never preached from a pulpit but your life preached to everyone you came in contact with. And for that I am proud of you for your faithfulness and loyalty wrapped up in humility to God. You simply spoke volumes by saying sometimes nothing and singing. I am saddened at your passing from this life but our reward is that we will see each other again. Our moms were probably so excited to see you! I know your enjoying your reward. I love you Jen and miss you terribly. Thanks for a lifetime of memories!
Carrie Johnson | Jen Poling was the most faithful Choir member, never missed a practice and was always ready and willing! She loved the Praise Team and dedicated a lot of herself to the Music Team! She was a great nursery teacher to my grand babies and a sweet friend to me. I had the privilege of rooming w her at the last Ladies Conference and we laughed so much!! May she enjoy the sweet reward of Heaven.

Robin Mitchell | I want to share how creative Jen is she took all my daughter's pictures off her walls and made colleges of them to look pretty. Also I can't express how much Blake & Miah, Rachael, all of us loved her having time with her and having dinners with her. How sweet she was as Landin’s pre-school teacher. How she touched kids that we are related to at her recent job being a school nurse. How she would come sit with Blake at the hospital and give Rachael and I breaks to go eat etc. We love Jen and this has stung us quite a bit. Jen would always be in nursery when Blake was there and she even would keep him overnight sometimes to be able to take him to church. Blake had really become attached to Jen and it’s so hard for him because he can’t figure out where she is. Jen truly had a heart of gold.
Beverly Smith | Jen was a very precious, sweetest and Godly young lady. I met her just a few times but she was always smiling! My husband grew up with her mom and dad, Phil Smith. I knew her mother Tania from meeting her at the ladies conferences and getting to see her and got to know what a loving person she was. Jen reminded me a lot of her mom. Heaven gained a wonderful little angel! Our loss is truly heaven's gain. Our prayers go out to the Church, her Family and friends. She touched so many people!
Lauren Pinas | Jen was one of the most beautiful people I knew..inside and out. Her laugh was contagious, her fear of God inspiring, and her desire to please others above herself was beyond admirable. And because of that, Jen has made me a better person. I will never forget all the times we had gone out to lunch, the bible studies together, and the wisdom Jen instilled in me. She has touched the lives of so many, in ways we can't even fathom. Today I chose to hold on to memories and the positive thoughts of knowing that one day I will get me one of her hugs again! Love you JP!
Francesca Richardson | Jen and I would have "date nights." We would dress up and go to Carabba's, P.F. Changs, or somewhere else like that. We would sit there for hours and talk about everything; work, church, family, and whatever else was going on in our lives. We would laugh and share funny stories, share concerns and reassure each other, and always plan the next time we would do another date. When I think of her it's our dates that come to my mind first, and I will always cherish them.
Carson Family | Jen, What a beautiful woman you were inside and out! I'm so thankful for all the years we had serving in ministry together. From working in the nursery to being on the youth team with young people you served with excellence. You always had a smile on your face and did whatever was asked of you. You were a great leader and example and I pray everyone is challenged to take the baton that you left behind and to carry on. We need more Jen Polings in this world! We Love you and will miss you SO much! Love, the Carson's
Mariah Martin | No matter what I was going through Jen would always give me that big beautiful smile, hug me tight and whisper in my ear God's got this those 3 simple words along with that smile and hug always uplifted and encouraged me!!! I love and miss her so much!!!
Hope Chickering-Wolford | I knew Jen from camp but not very well although we were on each other’s Facebook friends list. She was such a sweet spirited person. My kids Angelene (11) and James (9) said that Jen was the one who gave them their medicine at camp this past summer and were both shocked and deeply saddened by her passing. They loved being around her and said she made their day better. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her!
Hillary Griffin | Jen was one of the kindest, most selfless, and loving ladies I was ever privileged enough to call friend. There wasn't anyone that she came in contact with that she didn't leave a truly lasting impression on. Though our world is now a little less sparkly and we will so badly miss that beautifully contagious smile, I rejoice in knowing that she is now home with Jesus, singing and dancing on those streets of gold. Her life will forever be a testimony to all. To Brittany, Gracee and family, we love you all so much and our prayers will always be with you. I pray God gives you comfort in this time and in the days to come. We love you Jen. Forever!
Christina Fullen | I want the world to know just how special you were to everyone. You knew no stanger and loved everyone the same. Thank you for being a mentor to my step-kiddos, to me, and most of all, for being the Godly woman that all should be. My Mom once told me the one thing you leave behind on the earth is your character. You were an angel here and now the prettiest angel in the choir in heaven. Jen Poling, I love you and miss you. You would be so honored by the way everyone is honoring you. NO words will ever sum up the amazing, caring character you glowed with everyday. #pinkday

Victoria Porter | I had the privilege of meeting Jen thru Thirty One and was honored to be both her director and friend. I enjoyed getting to know her and talk about her goals with her business and in life. I know that Jen had a servants heart and always helped others whether it be in the nursery at church or housesitting for a friend. In the time that I was able to talk with her, get lunch/dinner out or attend a meeting/conference she was nothing but pure sweetness. I was blessed to be in her sister Britney's home with Jen's friends and they TRULY loved her. She absolutely adored her nephew and nieces. Heaven is a little more sparkly with Jen there. FabJenPo you will be missed !
Tanyka Fantone | FabJenPo. Aunt Ginger. My friend Jennifer. .. It's so easy to miss you. You loved everyone the same, no matter their faults or status. Thank you for being a Godly mentor to my children. Thank you for being a Godly woman that shined bright as an example to our entire church family. You have left us with a legacy that will live on forever. Until we meet again my friend.... I'll be hearing you worship and watching you praise in my memories... Love you!
Jamie Tabler | When I first came to Tallmadge I was at the lowest point in my life. I felt hopeless. Then a little bright bunch of sunshine walked up to me out of what seemed like nowhere, "Hi! My name is Jen! How are you! What's your name? Where are you from? What do you do?" She asked me to sit down with her. She told me she was so glad I was there. There was no judgement in her eyes. I only felt love. She got all my information: phone number, email, street address. For several weeks after she encouraged me daily through a text or phone call. Everyday she reminded me that Jesus loved me no matter what and that she did too. I'm not sure where I'd be today if I never met Jen Poling, but I do know I am a better person for knowing her. I am so glad that she allowed God to work through her to bring this prodigal back where I belong. She didn't just love you, but she loved your soul. She was a blessing to me and I will forever miss her!
Roxanna Benentt | Jen was always so kind to me! She would send special text messages to say I love you, and always had an encouraging word. It has always been hard for me to go up to people, but with Jen she made it a point to find you anywhere and just make your day better!! She is missed!!
Erin Smith | It overwhelms me to begin writing about Jennifer because there is so much to say. She was wonderful, kind, caring, selfless, giving, generous, I could go on. Jen loved to love others. She thrived on it, it seemed. She loved to give to others. It was her way of living. It was who she was. A giver, whether in material things, time, serving, or lending some comfort. You could always depend on Jen for a smile, a nurturing hug, or sweet conversation. Oh, and those back rubs! A little snippet of Heaven. I do believe the Angels are lining up for their turn. And I can hear her laughter as she takes time with each one. Enjoy those back rubs, Angels. It'll be one of the first things I seek out when I join her there someday.
I loved working with Jennifer every day at The Kiddie Kollege. I would watch her go above and beyond for her class of 3 year olds, even on the days when they were all bouncing off the walls. When she loved something, it showed, because she would do it with such excellence. Daily, she would exemplify Colossians 3:23. "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;" So many times I would miss those "good ol' days" of working there together and quickly text her to reminisce. I continuously miss the daily bonding and laughter.
She was so loving to Elijah. To him she was Aunt Ginger. She was so giving to him, always remembering him on Holidays and Birthdays. I am thankful that our families joined together. Jen would always tell me she was glad we became "sisters." I was always in agreement with her and was grateful in my heart for it. Even more so now. I truly believe that Jen made everyone feel like a sister or brother.
There are so many specific memories that I could write about Jennifer, but it would take up this entire book. Her life was a testimony of her walk with Christ. She was an example of a true Christian. Her actions reflected what she told others she believed. She loved deeply. She served wholeheartedly. Jennifer was like Jesus.
I love and miss you so much, Ginger. Until we see you again....
Darla Griffith | It was a blessing knowing Jennifer. Although we never seen each other that much when we did it was like yesterday. What a tribute/testimony her life was to her Grandparents, Mother, Father, Sisters, Brother, Aunts, Uncles and countless family/friends to the power of God’s Love. I am sure she has the most sparkly crown. She was a treasure.
With warm thoughts and love.
David Hymes Jr | David Hymes Jr | I remember watching the Buckeyes with Jen Po and her sweet little voice yelling out O-H when ever we would score. When I would make a sarcastic comment at her just in passing, the look she would give me, pushing her lips together opening her eyes real wide and leaning her head down in the slightest bit, but then just laughing at me. Just remembering the love that Jen had for everyone: she was the kindest sweetest person I have ever met and I know her legacy will live on in our church and in my heart.
I love you Jen Po can't wait to see you again!

Emileigh Drylie | Though I did not have the opportunity to know Jen a very long time, I already miss her. I miss her worship, her sweet smile, her voice and her prayers. Not long after having arrived to Tallmadge, I remember being in a service and someone praying for me at the altar. Not just any prayer, but she was passionately seeking God on my behalf. Her prayers brought such comfort and peace in the midst of a difficult time and I remember thanking God for this wonderful lady! Her beautiful voice and even the times she sat behind me at church worshipping are irreplaceable. Jen was someone who knew how to get a hold of God, how to encourage others and she was very selfless. I'm thankful for Jen's example and though it was too brief, for the friendship and love I knew because of a life she poured out on others. I know God holds Jen closely to His heart because she was a woman after His.
Kim Bulgrin-Mayle | Every time Jen saw me she would call me “mom.” We were going to have a sleepover soon!
Martha Scott | Jen always had something to say about my husband’s hair and my husband about hers. She always tried to put it up so high to “get as tall as Bro Scott” and laughing at my husbands. “So curly” is what she said, patting his head. She’s the only person, besides me, my husband would allow to pat his head and laughing about it! It’s a joke between them two. We miss you Jen.
Tina Canankamp | Jennifer – J for Joyful, E for Everyone love her, N for Never give us, N for Nostalgic, I for Intelligent, F for Faithful, E for Energetic, R for Radiant! Will miss our little talks and your big presence. Miss your joy for life and ability to see things through a child’s eyes.
Tina Canankamp | Jennifer – J for Joyful, E for Everyone love her, N for Never give us, N for Nostalgic, I for Intelligent, F for Faithful, E for Energetic, R for Radiant! Will miss our little talks and your big presence. Miss your joy for life and ability to see things through a child’s eyes.
Cindy Queen | I remember the first time I met Jen at the softball field where she was with her mom and dad at a church softball game. Jen was this little girl with the most beautiful long hair and she was a little fire cracker! She talked so big for her age. I loved her from the first time I met her! She was our flower girl in our wedding. I always thought she was so beautiful inside and out. And I prayed if I ever had a little girl she would be like Jen. She used to sing a song in our church called "miracles can happen to those who love The Lord, blessed are they that believe on him, his kingdom shall be yours." She was such a beautiful singer. I just remember Jen as always being the sweetest young lady who was always polite and kind. She had a servants heart. She always made me feel so loved. I love the memories of all the Ohio state parties, Fourth of July cook outs and Christmases spent together. I loved being her choir buddy. She kept me in tune. I will never forget my "little jefiner". That's what I called her. I just thank God for the time we had with her and knowing how much we all loved her and how much everyone else that met her loved her, it's no wonder God wanted her in heaven to be with him. Rest in peace "little jefiner". We will see you soon!
Ashley Bulgrin |
I don't even know where to begin. I've put off writing this because it still doesn't seem true. That if I don't acknowledge it I'll go to church. Sunday and drop the boys off in the nursery. You'll scoop them up and say "There's Ginger's sweet boys!" I'll tell you Jase is clapping his hands now and you'll say "yay" and Jackson is going potty in the big boy potty and you celebrate with us. You were someone who celebrated life with me. All the ups and downs.
Jen I love you SO much. You were my sister. You weren't a part of my every day, but since you've left, I've realized that you were part of my heart. The same heart that holds my love for God, my husband, my babies, and my family. Now when I examine it, there literally is a piece missing. I told you often I loved you and hugged you all the time. In so thankful I have no regrets with you.
I'll never forget our talks about life, ministry, God & our families. I knew I could trust you. I hope you knew you could trust me. Sometimes we would laugh so hard were crying. I love those moments. And sometimes I would get tough with you and say "Jen, you can't let people run over you. You've got to stand up for yourself." You would say "I know" or "it's fine". Looking back I've realized it wasn't that way at all.
I know now it wasn't because you were weak. You were loving like Jesus. Preferring others even if that meant you were last or received nothing at all. The very thing I was trying to break you of is what I'm striving to do now.
I've been thinking to myself when my flesh tries to rise up, "How would Jen handle this?" You would put your head down and keep working. Keep your mouth closed to harshness and speak kindly. Look past someone's flaws and hug them.
Gosh I'm going to miss you. Christmas, the kids' birthdays, choir practice, nursery. Who's gonna talk about the Duggars with me now?! Lol so much of my life there will be something missing. You left such a void here but you also left me with something. The motivation to treat people the way you did and serve God with complete selflessness.
Anytime I see a cute cup I'll think of you. A blingy watch a sparkly shirt, hair as high as heaven!! Now when I see a piece of glitter on Jase or Jackson's face I call it a Ginger kiss. I will miss you so much, but I love you way more!!
I don't even know where to begin. I've put off writing this because it still doesn't seem true. That if I don't acknowledge it I'll go to church. Sunday and drop the boys off in the nursery. You'll scoop them up and say "There's Ginger's sweet boys!" I'll tell you Jase is clapping his hands now and you'll say "yay" and Jackson is going potty in the big boy potty and you celebrate with us. You were someone who celebrated life with me. All the ups and downs.
Jen I love you SO much. You were my sister. You weren't a part of my every day, but since you've left, I've realized that you were part of my heart. The same heart that holds my love for God, my husband, my babies, and my family. Now when I examine it, there literally is a piece missing. I told you often I loved you and hugged you all the time. In so thankful I have no regrets with you.
I'll never forget our talks about life, ministry, God & our families. I knew I could trust you. I hope you knew you could trust me. Sometimes we would laugh so hard were crying. I love those moments. And sometimes I would get tough with you and say "Jen, you can't let people run over you. You've got to stand up for yourself." You would say "I know" or "it's fine". Looking back I've realized it wasn't that way at all.
I know now it wasn't because you were weak. You were loving like Jesus. Preferring others even if that meant you were last or received nothing at all. The very thing I was trying to break you of is what I'm striving to do now.
I've been thinking to myself when my flesh tries to rise up, "How would Jen handle this?" You would put your head down and keep working. Keep your mouth closed to harshness and speak kindly. Look past someone's flaws and hug them.
Gosh I'm going to miss you. Christmas, the kids' birthdays, choir practice, nursery. Who's gonna talk about the Duggars with me now?! Lol so much of my life there will be something missing. You left such a void here but you also left me with something. The motivation to treat people the way you did and serve God with complete selflessness.
Anytime I see a cute cup I'll think of you. A blingy watch a sparkly shirt, hair as high as heaven!! Now when I see a piece of glitter on Jase or Jackson's face I call it a Ginger kiss. I will miss you so much, but I love you way more!!
We know where Jen is… but we also know where she is not… that’s why we feel sorrow… but this separation is only temporary!
Pastor and Sis Bulgrin | It is never easy to say goodbye to the ones we love, especially when one leaves us so soon and so unexpectedly. It would be in vain to try and figure out why here and why now and why this way? But Jen was at the place she loved the most…(church) surrounded by the people she loved the most…(her church friends and family) in the glow of the God she loved the most! It was after church, so she had just finished doing what she loved the most - that was serving the Lord!
*Jen was like David… rather, “a woman after Gods own heart”!
- She chose to faithfully live for the Lord all of the days of her Life!
- She chose to fight instead of giving up!
- Many times Jen could have said… life was unfair to her and became bitter… but instead she always chose to be positive!
- She chose to not allow the negative things of life to define her!
- After her mother passed… Jen chose to carry on and not lose faith!
- Jen chose to make friends not enemy’s…
- Jen chose to forgive… instead of holding a grudge
- Jen chose to be faithful… instead of compromising
- Jen chose to laugh… instead of crying
- Jen chose the things of God over this present world!
- Jen chose to be a worshipper… instead of a bystander
- Jen chose to put others first…
- Jen chose to give… her time…talent… self
- Jen chose to be ready for this day… she repented, was baptized in Jesus name… filled and stayed full of the Holy Ghost!
There is no way to encapsulate her 34yrs into a few sentences, but her legacy and memory will live on!
She was the daughter to an older generation and a mother to a younger generation.
Sis.Bulgrin and I were honored to be her Pastor…she was a “diamond in the rough”…she was like family to us.
God has given us a wonderful gift called memory, although Jen is gone from us, she will always be with us in our hearts and minds there to recall at any moment and at any time! We will see her again!Pastor and Sis. Bulgrin
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